25 December 2011

How About Opening A New Clinic?


Either good or bad, I can't tell until I start this venture and see it for myself. I have heard Pro's and Con's about opening a new clinic in this new era.

But after I have done some simple personal analysis, I think running a private clinic would be my best capability at the moment. I have a lot of thinking at the moment, but opening a clinic would be the easiest for me.

I believe health is such an important aspect of people's life. The quality of the services and the best customer experience would determined the success of the clinic.
Would you be agree?

Please leave your comment/opinion.

Thank you.

23 December 2011

Life Should Be Inspiring


For some people, life is just going to work, make sure the work done and get paycheck at the end of the month. This lifestyle has been embedded into our daily life from the moment we were born. Our school system is made to produce very good worker. Our mentality has been set up to study hard so as to be able to secure a high-paying job. That's how our society is doing.

Unfortunately (fortunate for me), this system has not work for me anymore. I don't feel right continue doing this anymore. I want to grab my life back and venture the future to where I want to go. I do not want to follow the 'crowd' anymore.

I want to learn as long as I want.
I want to do what I believe, than to force myself doing thing that I don't believe.
I want to wake up every morning with burning inspiring spirit.
I want to wake up eagerly to go to work.
I want to feel satisfied with what I am doing!


21 December 2011

Aku Mahu Maju!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Aku sudah menetapkan azam bahawa setiap hari adalah untuk ...
...memperbaiki kelemahan diri,
..meningkatkan keyakinan diri,
...menjaga ketepatan janji dan masa,
..mendisiplinkan diri dan,
..........mengabaikan fikiran-fikiran yang melemahkan semangat.

Aku Mahu Terus Maju!

Biarlah apa orang nak kata. Biarlah orang memandang hina diri ini, tapi aku akan terus bangun dan berusaha. Hanya mereka yang ikhlas dan baik hati akan menyokong usaha aku. Biarkanlah mereka-mereka yang mengeluarkan kata-kata pahit itu ibarat menyimbah air ke daun keladi. Akan aku tetap gigih berusaha memperbaiki diri menjadi lebih baik daripada sebelum ini.


12 December 2011

Cuti Bermula..


Alhamdulillah, dapat jugak bercuti akhirnya.